Thursday, October 27, 2011


It has nearly a month since I last posted {insert blank stare}....

I am not sure where the time has gone {insert puzzled look}....

I was on a role for about a week or so there {insert smiley face and slowly release}....

But life has a way of slowly sucking away your time and before you know it there is not enough time to tend to this little bloggy of mine....

I often visit it and began to post only to realize that I have 5.5 seconds before my next meeting or appointment....

But after all this my little corner of the virtual world and I love it.... If I get to tend to it fine... If not fine... I have learned a long time ago not to allow this little bloggy of mine to become a task... It's something that I created to be an outlet and that's what it will remain for me... It's the only thing in my life right now that I can neglect and come back only to find it the way that I left it...


With that being said....

What have you been up to?

Well, for me.....  The month of October has been super-de-duper BUSY!  Let's recap shall we?
  • I had to coordinate a major summit for my line of business----talking about a tremendous undertaking!
  • Our church celebrated our 24th Anniversary!  It was wonderful!
  • I attended AAMU's Homecoming!  And I celebrated a 10 year reunion with my sister's!
  • Custom Creations has been on the move!  YAY!
  • This past weekend I planned and decorated 5 events in 2 days!  Yeah.....
  • And..... DRUMROLL.................................................
  • I have been planning a trip to Disney!
You see?  I am certain that I left something out, but at any rate you get the picture....Life had been keeping me pretty busy.....

Just wanted to peep in and give you a brief update.... I will recap the individual events in the days to follow....

Until next time,
