Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Celebrations for {Two}

Did I ever mention that I {love} planning events? Well, just in case I didn't I would like to now....... Bloggers and Lurkers..... M'Shonta {loves} her some event planning. And this weekend... I will not be around.... I will be in planning paradise.

On Saturday, my god daughter "Claire" turns 1. She will be sharing her birthday with her big brother who will be turning "6." {She was born on Valentine's Day and he was born on the 19th of February. The color scheme for this party will be pink and red and the cake will be half princess and half basketball. I will post pics of the cake later; I am very interested to see how it will turn out.

On Sunday, we will have a couple's blessing at church. A couple's blessing is very similar to a couple's wedding shower, but it is a more spiritual and formal. They are often given prior to the wedding, but in this particular case this couple were recently wedded in a very private ceremony.

Here is my tentative program for the celebration:

**** Opening
**** "His" Story
**** "Her" Story
**** Bestowing a Blessing Upon the Couple {Pastor and First Lady, Mother and Father,
other married couple's in congregation}
**** Dinner
**** Wishing Tree/ Toast
**** Closing Remarks

I also want this poem to make a debut at the couple's blessing...

A Couple’s Blessing

John and Jill may God bless and keep you, may the sun of many days and years shine upon you, may the love you have for one another grow and hold you close.
May the good true light within you guide your way together. May your dreams come true and when they don’t may new dreams arise.
And long, long years from now, may you look at one another and be able to say, ‘Because of you I have become the person I longed to be’.

I think that is enough for now... I will post photos when I return!

Until next time...


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