Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Wedding Ceremony Venue

The wedding was held at a beautiful church in Florence, AL. This venue was perfect for my bff. I can't formulate my thoughts fast enough to type them because I am so ready to post the pics of this venue... I think that the pictures will aid me in parading the {true beauty} of this church.

So without further adieu:

Can you see the stained glass windows??? How beautiful!!!

And if that did not sell you... what about the piped organ shown here? {yes, they were played during her wedding}

And these beautiful chandeliers made their debut in the sanctuary and the vestibule... Can you say breathtaking????
This was my bff's dream venue and I am so elated that she was able to locate and secure it. It just made the day extra special...
Did you find your dream venue for your wedding? Where was it and what attributes were you looking for?

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