Sunday, July 19, 2009

Huh, What, Where...

Where has the time gone??? I have been so busy with life, work and planning {everything under the sun} that I have not been able to give this ole' bloggy blog the attention that it so desperately needs. So what have I been up to.... Let's break it down shall we...

  • What more can I say here....
  • It happens...
  • Yep...


  • Audits
  • New projects
  • Busy, Busy, Busy...

Event Planning

  • Tropical Baby Shower (July 18th)- Pics to come
  • Mr. and Mrs. North Alabama Pageant (this upcoming Saturday, July 25th for W.C. Handy Festival; read more about it here
  • Princess Diamond Paris's 1st Birthday (she's my god daughter; her party will be held on July 26, 2009) Her theme is fairies and butterflies.... Really cute... Will share more with you later.
  • Teen Queen Sleepover on July 31st
  • Baby Shower with a Game Show theme- August 1st, 2009

And in special news....

  • My brother and I will be giving my mother a suprise 50th birthday party on August 29, 2009. Her theme is "Living Her Life Like it is Golden." All the decor will be gold and white. Stay tuned because you will be hearing a lot more about this event.

So is this a good enough excuse for my lack of posts??? If, not I will make it up really, really soon:)! What have you been doing the month of July? Has it flown by for you?

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