Monday, August 10, 2009

Princess Diamond's Birthday Party Chapter II: The Cake

What is a birthday party without a cake? What about a cake that was created for you by the loving hands of your loved ones? Well, that is exactly the type of cake that Diamond had for her birthday. It was a scrumptious strawberry cake baked by her lovely grandmother and delightfully decorated by her cousin... Do you wanna see?
Well, if you insist......

In my opinion, this photo really doesn't do the cake justice... I was so impressed with all the details that were put into the cake that can't be clearly seen in the photo above.

Diamond also had a miniature version of this cake for her personal enjoyment... Who can deny the photo opps? (This picture was taken after Diamond has begun dissecting the cake; this is not an accurate account of how it looked prior to this photo...It is the only photo I have...)

The cake was beautiful and equally delicious. I. am. wishing. for. another. piece. right. now. Who says that you have to blow out candles to make a wish?

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