Thursday, September 3, 2009


{M'Shonta sings}

Ba de ya - say do you remember

Ba de ya - dancing in september

Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day


Where has the time gone... The last time that I left you I talked about the {Midas Touch} and everything dripping in gold. I promised you a healthy serving of recaps, but I am wayyyyy behind in the blogging kitchen... Well, I have a very, very good reason for all of this, but it will have to wait a little longer...

In other news....

  • The bridal tea is over.........

  • The bridal shower is over.....

  • The lingerie shower is over......

  • The wedding is over...........

  • The baby shower{s} are over......

  • The sleepover has come and gone.....

  • My mother's 50th birthday party has come on gone....

And I have nothing to plan..................

What's a girl to do?????

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