Friday, June 4, 2010

A Sweet Shower for a Sweet Baby Girl

Somehow, someway I became the official event planner for my old job =~)! Don't get me wrong... I enjoyed every moment of it!
This shower was for Tonya and her sweet baby girl. She decided to go with the ever-so-popular pink and brown. I just can not get enough of it...

I did not get as many pictures of the shower as I would have liked; but I did manage to get a picture of this cute little diaper cake... Another coworkers daughter made it for the shower...Isn't it just a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e?
I loved it! So much so that I promised myself that I would learn how to make one....

Side note: **** If you ever want to learn how to make a diaper cake, YouTube is a wonderful resource!*********

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