Monday, October 11, 2010

I am taking a Little Blogging Hiatus...

The next two weeks will be extremely busy for me... I have family coming in town and most importantly we will be celebrating our 23rd Pastoral & Church Anniversary... So over the next few days I will be cranking our administrative documents, festive tablescapes, centerpieces, delectable desserts, team building training and creative spiritual dance movements... There you have it! My cup overfloweth... so I am cutting back a few other hobbies/tasks so that I will not have a major spill :)!

Not to worry, I will be back soon and when I return I will shower you with photos from my time with the family, a Cirque de Fete themed birthday bash and our church anniversary. If I get really fancy I will post a video (yes, I am being extremely optimistic).

See you on the flip side!

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