Friday, December 10, 2010

Tap...Tap...Hello Is This Thing On?

Good morning!

TGIF! Can you say it with me? TGIF!!!!! I know that I have been kind of absent around these parts, but I have very good reason... In my last post I announced the launching of my new business Custom Creations by M'Shonta! I must admit that it has been a blessing.... My cup runneth over and I thank God for everyone second of it.

I am not sure when I will be able to start blogging on a regular basis again, but I promise that whenever I get the opportunity to come up for air that I will stop in to say hello. Here are a few bullet points on what I have been up to:

  • In addition to my ornament and gift business... The party planning has been very steady as well... I have an event planned for every week throughout the month of December! Wow! I am just in awe at God!

  • I have managed to put up my large Christmas tree and wrap a few presents... I need to put up two small ones and decorate my dining room table. Please send me some inspiration photos for Christmas tablescapes! I like....really need them!

  • Business is booming so I had to hire two people to help me :)! Have I mentioned how good God is? Just in case I didn't...GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!!

  • I have lost over 10 pounds and I am still MAINTAINING! I think that it is partially because of all of the hard work! LOL!

  • I am still on track for completing my bible for the year of 2010! The word of God is good!!!

  • Got some reallly exciting news about some reallly exciting opportunities! More on that later...

  • I am almost done Christmas shopping... LOL! Almost!

  • I adopted a Christmas tree angel this year and I have enjoyed shopping for her more than I could ever enjoy shopping for myself! I just love it and I hope that she loves it as well!

  • I have some cookies to bake this Christmas... just wondering if I will have the time...

  • I had a blast at home this year for Thanksgiving... Our family prayer breakfast was exceptional! I love my family!

  • Hobby Lobby has become my second home...Everyone there knows me!

  • I feel like the man with ten talents and the more that I use them; the more God multiplies them! I love it!
Overall life is and creativity and flowing... and my destiny has been awakened! Question: Are you still reading...just curious? Leave me a comment and let me know...

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