Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hollywood Glam: "The Long Overdue Birthday Recaps"

Warning: This post is long and pic heavy, but I promise you this is the brief version!!!!

I promised you months and months ago that I would recap my Hollywood Glam themed 30th birthday party... Just a couple of days ago 2.22.2010 to be exact; it dawned on me that I have been 30 for two whole months and I have yet to recap my party as I promised.

In between all the pageant training, coaching and judging all while holding down a full-time job and volunteering in the ministry... Somehow I have shamelessly failed the test of time... However, I must admit that it has been time well spent.

I orginally planned to recap my birthday detail by detail, but at this point I don't think that it will serve much of a purpose... So I have made the decision to share with you the "Highlights of Hollywood Glam."

I kicked off the day with hair and make-up at Demi-House Salon in Huntsville. Unfortunately, I did not get a before pic of my hair, but I did manage to get a before of my face. Not too shabby... the hair really helps :)!

In between hair and makeup, I made a last minute dash to Bebe's still on the quest to find the perfect purple birthday dress. Yes... the day of my party... And yes... it HAD TO BE PURPLE... My colors were purple, black, silver and white. I already had several at home (7 to be exact), but none of them tickled my fancy like this one... Perfect... And best of all it was on the sale rack!!! Cha Ching! There is nothing like the {perfect} dress for the {perfect} price!

I darted out the door after hair and make-up and headed to my official 30th birthday photo shoot. Side note: the only {new} outfit that I wore for my official photoshoot was the purple dress that I purchased for the party...everything else of oomc {out of my closet}. Even the yellow dress, I bought it after prom season last year for less than $30.00. Here a few shots from the photo shoot. I will not bore you with them...

I am an extrememly proud aunt... and this picture made me just that much more proud to be the aunt of this blossoming beauty. She could not withstand all lights and cameras... she had to get in on the action... {Tear jerking moment: A little diva in the making... I am so proud)!

Next off to the birthday party...

Shortly after I concluded my photoshoot, Mr. Falsetto arrived and wisked me off to the party. We entered the room and I walked the {red carpet} jigging to "Make this a Night to Remember." {singing} I'm gonna make this a night to re-mem-ber....

Next, I glanced at all the beautiful decor done by Something Ele'gant Events and Florals and I smiled within... I was delighted! Mr. Falsetto did well in setting the tone for such a glamourous event! {I hate that I did not get better/more pics of all the decor...it was beautiful)!

After a brief introduction by Mr. Falsetto I proceeded to greet all my guest personally and take a moment for photo opps. Yeah, true Hollywood Glam style. Here are a few of my favo shots of the night:

The Family

Tish and I

Mr. Falsetto and I

Dad and I

The food was delish and my birthday cake was beautiful and truly fit for a "queen." However, Mr. Falsetto put the "icing on the cake" when he sung happy birthday to me....truly making it a night to remember...

After the food, cake, and gift opening... We played an orginial game created by {yours truly}entitled "Hollywood Glam Movie Trivia." It was a hit!!! The only pic that I have of the game cards is the one that she is holding in her hand in the picture below... Can you see it? Ummm... Maybe I will recap that one later along with my "Hollywood Walk of Fame" inspired guestbook in which guest signed their autographs on stars as they arrived at the party. It was also a hit because everyone was a star!!!! Oh yeah and the invites... I will have to do a recap on all paper goods!

And after all the formalities we danced the night away....

What a night to remember.... It was true Hollywood Glam.

"Glamour is something you can't bear to be without once you're used to it."

~Author Unknown


  1. Beautiful pics! It looks like you had a wonderful time.

  2. Thanks for stopping in! I have a poll on my site and would love you input
