Wednesday, June 15, 2011

1 Picture {Day 1 of 10}

I love to take pictures and I love to {take} pictures; so when it comes to photographs... I have no shortage!  LOL!  When I initially thought about finding one picture of  myself...I was overwhemed for a milli-second... And then I thought about the photograph from the climax of my life... My 30th birthday!

This photograph encompasses everything that I am at this point in my life:
  • A Devoted Woman of God
  • Happy
  • Free
  • Loving
  • Open
  • Outgoing
  • Fearless
  • Living the Blessed Life
  • Comfortable in my own skin
  • And most of all ME!
It took ME 30 years just to be me!  30 years is a long time to live with a person that you know and it is even worse when that person is YOU!  When I turned 28; I decided that it was time for a change and the change that I was seeking all started with me!  Little did I know that 2 year process would end in a 30th Birthday Celebration!  But it was a very special celebration to me because for the first time I celebrated a life that I never had... A life where I could be "Free to Be Me."

........................... One decision
........................... One change
........................... One life
........................... One me
........................... One picture

Until next time,


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