Friday, August 8, 2014

How to Host a Progressive Dinner

I was recently invited to participate in a "virtual" progressive dinner with four other fabulously talented Youtubers.  This was an amazing experience for me and I was so gracious to be a part of this collaboration. 

For those of you are not familiar with a progressive dinner, here is some background information compliments of our wonderful host Cherie from the Youtube channel,  Live Love Latte

"What is a progressive dinner party?", you might be asking. It is a party where each successive course is eaten at a different host's house -- the guests progress from house to house. Hence, the name progressive dinner party.
I'll admit here that the first time I heard of a progressive dinner party I thought of the word in terms of being new, innovative, and hip! Which maybe it was in 1950, when these types of parties first made an appearance. Progressive parties declined in popularity during the 80's and 90's, replaced by catered affairs. Oh, those glorious days of disposable income! In recent years casual entertaining has enjoyed a resurgence and the progressive dinner party is making a comeback.
Essentially it is like a potluck dinner, but instead of the food traveling to one location, the guests travel to the location of the food. Everyone begins at the first house with appetizers, they the guests move en masse to the next house for the next course of the meal.

The pressure is off of any one person to be the sole host of the party, both in the entertaining and cost. And in this current economy, this struck us as a great DIY topic.
So, just how do you have a progressive dinner party of your own?
Select the hosts -- 3 or 4 is usually enough.

Form a guest list, keeping in mind the size of everyone's homes. While 24 people might easily fit in the house of the person who is handling the appetizers, they might not comfortably fit into the home of the person serving the main course, where the guests are more likely to be seated.
Keep the homes close together. Even better if you can plan a party with your neighbors so there is no driving involved, and therefore no need for designated drivers.
When planning the menu, consider foods that can be prepared in advance so that the hosts can also relax and enjoy the party.

What about the kids? You can include them in the dinner party if you want. Another (better!) idea is to have the kids at the last house with a babysitter or two. They can watch movies and eat kid-friendly food while you are enjoying adult conversation. Then you join the children for your last stop -- dessert -- which is probably the only one that the children are interested in anyway.
Now that you become more familiar with a progressive dinner party, I would like to invite you make a "virtual" stop by each of our homes for pre-dinner cocktails, appetizers, soups and salads, a main course meal and of course delish desserts!  No worries, you can never be to early or too late... Whenever you decide to drop by... we will be waiting on you... Below you will find the directions to each of our homes. Enjoy!
Cocktails: BeMyGuestwithDenise

Appetizers: LivingLuxuriouslyforLess (Melanie)

Soup: VeriKeri

Entree: LiveLoveLatte (Cherie)

Desserts: AtHomewithNikki

Main Course: Live Love Latte
And if you are interested in a hosting a progressive dinner amongst your family, friends or loved ones.. Here is a handy tool full of tips from all of your progressive dinner hosts.

Lastly, I will leave you  with more shots from my appetizer setup.

Until Next Time,



  1. Your home is completely luxurious. I Love it!!!!!!!

  2. Stunning post on How to Host a Progressive Dinner! I found it extremely useful for my dad’s birthday celebrations. I am planning to throw a DIY dinner party at one of his favorite outdoor Seattle venues. I am sure he would like my bash.
